
Christian Values and Quality Education

Yellowwoods School Uniform required

Nursery and Pre-Primary

Nursery and Pre-Primary children (Grade 00 and 000) are not required to wear school uniform but should wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Please send an extra set of clothing (seasonally appropriate) every day in your child’s school bag. A Yellowwoods Pre-Primary sun hat with your child’s name embroidered on it will be ordered in January and charged to your school account.

Grade R

Boys and girls

  • navy blue shorts (school shop or Pep)
  • emerald green PP Yellowwoods School t-shirt (school shop)
  • school tracksuit (school shop)
  • school peak cap for boys and visor for girls (school shop). Children can wear their PP Yellowwoods sun hats if it still fits.
  • white school socks (Pep or Ackermans)
  • white running shoes/takkies (Ackermans)

Grade 1-3

Boys and girls

  • navy blue shorts (school shop or Pep)
  • navy blue Yellowwoods School golf shirt (school shop)
  • school tracksuit/fleece top (school shop)
  • school peak cap (boys)/visor (girls) (school shop)
  • white school socks (Pep or Ackermans)
  • white running shoes/takkies (Ackermans) 

Grade 4-7


  • navy blue shorts (school shop or Pep) in summer and navy blue track pants (school shop) in winter
  • white Yellowwoods shirt (school shop)
  • school tracksuit/fleece top in winter (school shop)
  • school peak cap (school shop)
  • white school socks (Pep or Ackermans)
  • white running shoes/takkies (Ackermans)


  • dark navy blue skirt (school shop or Pep) in summer and navy blue tracksuit pants (school shop) in winter
  • white Yellowwoods shirt (school shop)
  • school tracksuit/fleece top (school shop) in winter
  • school visor cap (school shop)
  • white school socks (Pep or Ackermans)
  • white running shoes/takkies (Ackermans)

All Grades

ALL items must be clearly marked.

All children are required to have a lunch bag or box with a water bottle that has a secure lid. No juice or sugary food are allowed.

Sports Uniform and Sporting gear required

Grade 1-3

Boys and girls sports uniform

  • practice – same as school uniform
  • bottle green match t-shirt compulsory for matches only (school shop)

Sports equipment

  • navy or black swimming costume, swimming cap for both boys and girls (sports shops) and a swimming towel
  • tennis racquet (sports shops)
  • hockey stick, shin pads, gum guard, long white socks (sports shops)

Grade 4-7

Boys and girls sports uniform

  • navy blue shorts (school shop or Pep)
  • navy blue Yellowwoods golf shirt (school shop)
  • bottle green match t-shirt compulsory for matches only (school shop)

Sports equipment

  • navy or black swimming costume, swimming cap for boys and girls (sports shops) and swimming towel
  • tennis racquet (sports shops)
  • hockey stick, shin pads, gum guard, long white socks (sports shops)
  • rugby jersey for boys who play in matches (ordered before the Winter season through school)

Weekly Boarding Facility

Due to the fact that the hostel is small, our children receive extra special attention and personal care which makes Yellowwoods a unique hostel and school experience. The caring family atmosphere promotes happy, well-adjusted and well-grounded, self-confident children.

The rooms generally accommodate two children, in some cases three (with a double bunk). Each room has an en-suite bathroom with a bath or shower, toilet and basin.

The resident hostel staff consists of the hostel superintendent, hostel assistants and teachers who are responsible for control, discipline and the supervision of homework.

Hostel Requirements


2 Sets of Sheets (1 in use and 1 spare)

2 Duvet Covers (1 in use and 1 spare)

1 Duvet

1 Pillow

2 Pillow Slips (1 in use and 1 spare)

1 Blanket


3/4 x Navy shorts – School Uniform

2 x Navy panelled skirt – School Uniform

3/4 x White Cotton button –up Shirt Senior

3/4   x Navy T-shirt – Sport

Navy tracksuit with logo (2 in Winter)

Navy Fleece Top with Logo – Winter Only

5 Pairs of panties/underpants

2 Pairs of pyjamas

5 Pairs of plain white socks

Dressing Gown:

  • 1 x Summer Dressing Gown for Summer
  • 1 x Winter Dressing Gown for Winter


Tackies/Track shoes (preferably white)

Slip slops

Costume (navy or black)

Swimming cap

Swimming towel

Bath towel

Casual clothes


Bath soap

Soap Dish

Face cloth






Plastic Mug

Hairbrush & Comb

Sun block

Body Lotion


Scrunchies/Alice band for long hair

Laundry bag

Hair Dryer if needed


Art apron

Sports equipment/



Please make sure that all clothing fits correctly and is clearly marked with your child’s name and surname.