Senior Primary Curriculum
Christian Values and Quality Education

We are fortunate in being able to enjoy the privilege over the past few years, a very strong Senior Primary Department at Yellowwoods.
The average pupil / teacher ratio is 1:11. More importantly, we are also in a position to employ only the best in qualified Staff.
Our curriculum is geared towards individual learning which enables us to set very high standards. We are very fortunate to be able to enjoy the privilege of inclusive learning, involving Facilitators where and when necessary.
We place a great deal of focus on English 1st Language and Mathematics. This approach is enhanced by the fact that the Grade 6/7 class has seperate teachers for these vital subjects.
The curriculum consists of all the required learning areas namely:
English 1st Language, Afrikaans 2nd Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Life Orientation, Human Social Sciences and Arts and Culture.
Our highly qualified staff are extremely knowledgeable about the Outcomes Based Programme and because we are an independent school, we can be selective, creative and very ambitious in our consistently high standards of work.
We constantly celebrate the fact that our educational oasis is well known for the very best in teachers, even in this rather remote part of the Eastern Cape.
Our Grade sevens will testify that “Shakespeare is ‘cool’, Mathematics is marvellous and “I am so ready for high School”!
All our students are given a solid foundation to launch their high school careers with competence, confidence and a reverent respect for God and their fellow man.