School Song & Hymn
Christian Values and Quality Education

School Song
You give a whole lot of sunshine
And wide open space,
With courage and spirit, pride and wisdom and grace.
Like a tree that is planted in the rich soil of love
With its branches reaching to the sky above.
You train head, heart and hand.
Tomorrow’s leaders in our bright new land.
With love to God and each other as our Golden Rule
We love you, Yellowwoods School.
Praise Him, praise Him
Sing the song the mountains sing.
Raise your voices loud and clear
And catch the music of the air.
Sing a song of oceans deep
And stars that cosmic secrets keep.
Praise Him- praise Him –praise Him
Sing the songs the flowers sing.
Sing with voices sure and slow
the songs that with the flowers grow.
Sing the song of fertile Earth
That brings the gentle Spring to birth.
Praise Him – praise Him – praise Him.
Sing the song of restless wind
Launch your voices, joy declare,
With songs that quicken jaded air.
Sing a song a lifting breeze
That flashes sunlight through the leaves
Praise Him- praise Him – praise Him.
Sing the song mankind can sing.
Sing with songs from sorrow torn
Of man in whom His Love is born.
Sing the song Creation sings
Of love as faithful as the Spring.
Praise Him –praise Him –praise Him
Amen .
You give us more than just knowledge,
The Words and Music of our School Song were written by Mrs Meg Harebottle
School Hymn
Praise Him, praise Him
Praise Him, praise Him,
Praise Him, praise Him
Yellowwoods Blessing
God Bless our school Yellowwoods.
Guard all her children and staff.
Guide our leaders.
And give us peace.
We thank you Father for our founders.
We ask for grace to use the opportunities we are offered here to the glory of Your Name.