Junior Primary Curriculum

Christian Values and Quality Education

Learning how to learn and so fostering a love of learning, is the ultimate aim of our Curriculum. This is achieved by providing a broad, balanced and privileged curriculum. Students, working in a caring and protected environment of love, wisdom and learning, increasingly acquire the skills, knowledge, concepts and understanding to develop their full potential at school. At the same time they are consistently being nurtured by both parents and teachers as a team.

The core of the Academic curriculum takes into consideration the Revised National Curriculum Statements (RNCS) and uses it as a basis to work from.

This adapted, excellent Academic Curriculum is structured around several key areas of experience. The word ‘curriculum’ is also understood in its broadest sense. It is more than the subjects on the timetable that the students follow.

The planned activities in which students are involved in at the School are also part of the curriculum. All students have an opportunity to study these areas in a manner that takes full account of their own potential and capabilities.

The specific skills that are developed are numeracy, literacy, information technology, communication, physical coordination, logical thought, problem solving, information skills, experimentation, empathy and interpretation.

An emphasis on social skills helps our students to think and to act for themselves whilst respecting the views of others and so develop into confident, strong and ready children.